Thursday, September 28, 2006

One more Plautus Play

Please read The Pot of Gold, Miles Gloriosus (The Swaggering Soldier), or The Brothers Menaechmus. Cite a line or two that shows something one might learn about Roman history from the plays of Plautus. What does this play have to say about Roman values, family relationships, romantic relationships, day-to-day life, religion, etc.?

If you like, you may instead read and comment on one of the plays of Terence (The Mother-in-Law, Phormio, or any of the other Terence plays on the Perseus site (

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Prisoners (Captivi)

Please read Plautus' The Prisoners (Captivi). Cite a line from this play that shows something about Roman society or Roman history one might not learn from a more conventional historical source, e.g., something about day-to-day life in Rome, something about Roman values, or something about the Roman sense of humor. Explain why you chose this particular line. Alternatively, note somethng Plautus has done with one of the five "narrative essentials" (plot, character, theme, setting, and tone) that shows something important about Roman history.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Please read Plautus' Pseudolus. The Perseus site is a bit hard to navigate. I'll try to find a more easily read online version and post the link later.

Cite a line from Pseudolos that shows something about Roman society or Roman history one might not learn from a more conventional historical source, e.g., something about day-to-day life in Rome, something about Roman values, or something about the Roman sense of humor. Explain why you chose this particular line.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Gaius Marius

Marius was in some ways a great Roman hero. However, he also contributed to bringing disaster on Rome. Please read Plutarch's Life of Marius, either in the abridged version here or the unabridged version here. Cite a passage that particularly illustrates one of Marius' strengths or weaknesses.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Please read the introduction to Sallust's War with Jugurtha. Pick out what you consider to be the most important/most interesting line from this selection. If other students have chosen a different line, explain why *your* line is even more important or more interesting.

As an alternative, pick out the line from Sallust you consider the worst, or the least interesting. If other students have chosen a different line, explain why your line is even worse or less interesting.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Selections from Plutarch's Lives

"All history is biography," said Emerson, and he's certainly right in thinking that an understanding of the lives of individual men and women is essential to history. Fortunately for us, many ancient writers shared Emerson's idea of the importance of biography, and they've left us many fascinating accounts of important Roman leaders. Among the most interesting biographies are those contained in Plutarch's "Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans." Please read one of the following selections from Plutarch. Cite an incident or sentiment that seems to you particular important in understanding Roman character/values/history, and explain why you chose this particular passage/event.

Abridged versions:

Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus, Fabius Maximus, Cato the Elder, Camillus

Unabridged versions:

Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus, Fabius Maximus, Cato the Elder, Camillus

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Selections on Roman Warfare

Times of war tend to bring out both the strengths and weaknesses of a society. This is particularly true of Republican Rome. Please read through one or two of the selections linked below. Pick out an incident/passage that shows either the surprising nature of Roman success or one of the characteristics of Republican Rome that makes that success not so surprising.

Selections you should find interesting include: Livy's description of the Roman method of declaring war, Livy's account of the war with and eventual destruction of Veii (Book V, sections 1-23), Livy's account of the Sack of Rome by the Gauls and Camillus' rescue of Rome (Book V, sections 33-55), Polybius' description of The Battle of Cannae, Polybius' comparison of the Roman maniple to the Macedonian phalanx, and Polybius' description of Roman government.